The tragic life of former NFL quarterback Todd Marinovich has taken another sad turn. He was found completely naked allegedly with a bag of meth and weed while wandering around a stranger’s back yard in Orange County, CA. Keep reading for the details of what led to his latest arrest.
Watch out Johnny Manziel, this could be your future! Former Oakland Raiders quarterback Todd Marinovich, 47, has lost yet another battle with maintaining his sobriety, and again it has landed him in handcuffs. The former NFL star was arrested Aug. 19 after someone called 911 to report he was allegedly naked and wandering around their backyard in Irvine, CA. The caller said he was wandering completely nude around the base of the nearby Ventu Spur hiking trail, and by the time the cops got there, he was hiding out in the man’s backyard….still naked.
He was booked on suspicion of trespassing; possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine; possession of drug paraphernalia; and possession of marijuana…all of which was allegedly found in a brown paper bag that the naked Todd was carrying with him. He’s now cooling his heels in the Orange County jail.
Todd’s story so closely resembles that of today’s Johnny Manziel, 23. Like Johnny, he was a standout college football quarterback, leading USC to a Rose Bowl win in 1990. Unfortunately he was also like Johnny in that he lasted only a couple of seasons in the NFL with the Oakland Raiders before flaming out due to drug abuse issues. By the late 1990’s, he had plead guilty to growing marijuana and illegally possessing prescription meds. He was also arrested for drug possession in 2005 and again in 2007 after battles with meth and heroin.
After rehab stints, he seemed to be turning his life around, becoming a talented mural artist with an online gallery where he also sold paintings and sculptures. During one of his period of sobriety he even worked as a drug counselor. But obviously sobriety is something that is a lifelong struggle for Todd with his latest bizarre and sad arrest.
HollywoodLifers, do you think Johnny’s life will end up mirroring Todd’s if he doesn’t turn things around?