‘Teen Wolf’ Ending: Why I’m Not Ready For The Show To Be Over

The announcement that ‘Teen Wolf’ would be ending after season 6 left me heartbroken. I’m still so emotionally invested in Stiles, Lydia, Scott and the rest of the gang. Here’s why I’m not ready to say goodbye and my hopes for the final season.

I’m a dreamer. I just thought Teen Wolf would kind of be around forever. I’m like that with all of my favorite shows.

Not that the show wasn’t good before — it’s always been awesome — but I just felt like the complexities of the characters hadn’t been fully explored until season 5. There’s still so much more explore with these characters that has nothing to do with the supernatural.

See More ‘Teen Wolf’ Season 6 Photos

At this point, we’ve seen every single character broken down only to rise up again. I was really looking forward to seeing what was beyond Beacon Hills High School. However, that would kind of defeat the purpose of Teen Wolf.

It always makes me sad to see one of my favorite shows end, just because there’s always something that the writers couldn’t fit in or something left unsaid.

If Teen Wolf is going to end, I have a few conditions. One that involves Stydia, of course.

*Stydia has to happen. Like, full-on happen. After six years of waiting, I think it’s only fair that Stiles and Lydia have a fair go at it. Even if they don’t walk away into the sunset together — and I’m praying that’s not the case — just give the fans what they want. Jeff Davis has said something “big” between Stydia is going to happen, so…

*The pack is still in high school, so it’s essential to see where the gang is 5 or 10 years later. Will Scott still be in Beacon Hills? Will Stiles be a cop like his dad? These are questions that NEED to be answered before Teen Wolf is over forever.

*Over the course of the final season, past characters who’ve left the show need to return for one last goodbye. I’m talking about Derek, Jackson and Isaac. Make it happen, Jeff!

HollywoodLifers, are you upset that Teen Wolf is ending? Let me know!