2016 Democratic Convention Live Stream — Watch Hillary Clinton & More Speak

The 2016 Democratic National Convention is finally here and on July 25 all eyes will be on Hillary Clinton, as she will formally receive the Democratic nomination for President over the four-day event. Watch it all happen here!

The 2016 DNC will be four days of crucial speeches and so much more at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia from July 25-28. After the caucus and council meetings, the call to order will be 4:00 p.m. ET and YOU CAN WATCH THE LIVE STREAM RIGHT HERE on the official website for the DNC. CNN is also providing 24-hour coverage.

Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Astrid Silva, Karla Ortiz and Francesca Ortiz, Pam Livengood, and Anastasia Somoza, along with many others will all be giving speeches. President Bill Clinton will take the stage Tuesday for a highly anticipated speech, and Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama will be speaking Wednesday. On Thursday, Hillary will formally accept the nomination for president. Chelsea Clinton is expected to speak Thursday night as well.

Tim Kaine — PICS

The DNC comes on the heels of the wild Republican National Convention when Donald Trump, 70, officially became the GOP’s nomination for the 2016 presidential race to the White House. The DNC is going to be an interesting one since Donald’s children were pros at the podium when they spoke on his behalf. But, the President and VP were not present for the RNC, so this should be great! Be sure to tune in!

HollywoodLifers, will you be watching the 2016 DNC? We want to hear from you guys, so tell us what you think in the comments below!

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