Video Adik Neelofa Kutuk Sekolah Kerajaan Malaysia

Video Adik Neelofa Kutuk Sekolah Kerajaan Malaysia|Awalnya hanya ingi berkongsi pengalaman dan keseronokan belajar di International School kepada umum melalui satu rekaman video.

Adik neelofa yang dipanggi dengan nama Ameera ini di anggap agak keterlaluan karena membanding bandingkan antara sekolah kerajaan malaysia dengan International School.

Sesetengah natizen masyarakat berang atas pendapat peribadi yang di utarakan ameera dalam video tersebut karena kebanyakan hanya mampu untuk menuntut ilmu di sekolah kerajaan.

Antara komen natizen

Murid International School Minta maaf

I’d like to apologize to anyone who was offended by my recent video about education on Youtube, as I had no intention whatsoever to hurt you in any way. Everything I said was based on my experience and what I observed, as mentioned in the video. I was only comparing, I didn’t mean to bash or anything. I think I had the right to express my opinion on the question that was asked and you had your rights to comment, agree, or disagree with the opinion. You guys have been updating me with so many comments, tweets and such which made me realize how much you actually care by spreading awareness for me to become better. I thank all of you for that. I’ve forgiven everyone who have said various things to me, and I deeply apologize to everyone I’ve offended. I will be extra careful with my next videos. And again, I’m sorry.

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